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October finally arrived and I'm still looking for an internship, or a job, here in Lisbon. For Christ's sake, is it this hard? Now I understand why people are so upset about it, specially recently graduated people.

I took a new self portrait today. The last one was taken in August so it was about time and for some reason this week I got inspired, so today was the day. I was supposed to play a little bit with manipulation on photoshop, and try to make some fairy dust around my figure but it came all crappy because the background wasn't dark enough and it would look really awkward if the dust was in color. So I just decided to add some kind of black smoke and that's it. I was satisfied with the result, even though I didn't put much thought into it.

Today I was approached by Bruno Ázera (click to visit his website) for an interview, since he is going to start interviewing photographers and I was glad to know I'll be the first one and I'm excited! It might be a little thing, but for me it is huge and I thank him for this opportunity.

My freaking birthday is next month already! I'll be 24 in the 24th! How cool is that. So... being my bday next month it means that I should be looking for a whishlist by now, and I already am. So in a few days I'll post it, like I do every year. (Oh my god! I just remembered of the floating lights that Rapunzel sees every year on her birthday! haha I'm getting obcessed... I should stop.)

That's it for now. Bye.

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